If there is someone that you know who is not on this list, be it a past work study or an inductee to an Honorary Member status or whatever, please
e-mail Nickolai Suslov (suslov@northwestern.edu) with the info. Also if there is info missing or that needs updating let Nickolai know.
Rosalinda Alvarado
Status in lab: Undergrad (work-study & C-99)
Occupation: Medical Student at Stanford
E-mail: rlinda@stanford.edu
Amy Au
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1995-1997
Karen Artilles
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1997
Darlene Buenzow
Status in lab: PhD student
Briana Burton
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1995-1997
James Bray
Status in lab: undergraduate work-study and C-99
Time in lab: 1994-1998
Occupation: economic development (biotech)
E-mail: j-bray@northwestern.edu
Hsin-Yi Chang
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1997
Jennifer (Chapin) Croker
Status in lab: PhD student
Time in lab: 1998 - 2004
E-mail: jennifercroker@charter.net |
Thirath Chau
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1997
Herman Dierick
Status in lab: Honorary Member
Occupation: Postdoc
E-mail: dierick@nsi.edu |
Richard Ferguson
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1997-1998
Jennifer Fetting
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~2000
Virginia Frank
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Rebecca Hays
Status in lab: PhD student
Tom Harrod
Status in lab: Lab Technician
Time in lab: -2005 |
Jennifer Lynn Hepker
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: Defining the function of Cubitus interruptus in mediation of hedgehog signal transduction in Drosophila Melanogaster (December 1999)
E-mail: jhepker@prescottmed.com
Occupation: Account Director, Prescott Medical Communications Group
Irene Helenowski
Status in lab: C99 student
Time in lab: 1996-1997
Occupation: Statistical Analyst / Programmer
E-mail: i-helenowski@northwestern.edu
Snailmail address:
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University Department of Preventive Medicine
680 N. Lake Shore Drive, Suite 1102
Chicago, IL USA 60611
(312) 503-3597 : ph
(312) 908-9588 : fax
Jennifer Johnson
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~2000
Heesoo Jung
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~2000
Occupation: Medical School (Northwestern)
Jennifer Kaiser
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: Analysis of the role of gooseberry in cell fate specification in the central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster (December 1997)
Karen Kantor
Status in lab: Tech
Occupation: Tech in Lamb Lab
E-mail: k-kantor@northwestern.edu
Prabhat Koppera
Status in lab: Undergrad (work-study & C-99)
Occupation: Medical School
Kristin Kroll
Status in lab: Undergrad research
Time in lab: 1986-1988
Occupation: Assistant Professor, Washington University School of Medicine
Benjamin Kubasak
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~1998
Kerri Lockhart
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~1996
Mark Matula
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~1996
Kelly McCabe
Status in lab: Technician
Time in lab: 2002-2004
E-mail: kellykmccabe@hotmail.com
General info: Getting MA in Public Health |
Cynthia Kelsey Motzny
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: The role of the Drosophila segmentation gene, cubitus interruptus, in embryonic and adult development (December 1995)
E-mail: cmotzny@roosevelt.edu
Web: http://www.roosevelt.edu/faculty/casdir.htm
Stewart Nash
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
E-mail: s-nash4@northwestern.edu
General info: Last heard was trying to get into Medical School |
Carrie Neff
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~1996
Teresa Vales Orenic
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: Genetic and molecular studies of the segment polarity gene cubitus interruptus Dominant of Drosophila melanogaster (December 1990)
E-mail: torenic@uic.edu
Web: http://www.uic.edu/depts/bios/faculty/orenic-t.htm
Stephanie Pangas
Status in lab: Honorary PhD student
Jeanah Park
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~1996
Tanya Reddick
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study
Time in lab: ~1996
Diane C. Slusarski
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: A genetic and molecular analysis of the cubitus interruptus locus in Drosophila melanogaster and its vertebrate homologues
Occupation: Assistant Professor at University of Iowa
E-mail: diane-slusarski@uiowa.edu Faculty Webpage
General info: Studies Wnt Modulation of Calcium Signaling in Zebrafish Development
Na Young Shim
Status in lab: Undergrad (work-study & C-99)
Time in lab: 2000-2002
Occupation: Medical school student (Northwestern) |
Maura Takao
Status in lab: Undergrad work-study & C99
Time in lab: ~2000
Anne Ruth Ungar
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: Function of the segment polarity gene gooseberry-distal in the embryonic development of Drosophila melanogaster (December 1992)
Qun Tian Wang
Status in lab: PhD student
Thesis: Regulation of Cubitus interruptus by Hedgehog: role in cell fate specification in Drosophila wing development (June 2000)
Occupation: Postdoc
E-mail: qwa205@stanford.edu
Michael Zimmerman
Status in lab: Undergrad
Time in lab: ~1997 |