About the Group

The Rosenzweig group is focused on understanding metalloprotein function on the molecular level.  We use structural, spectroscopic, biochemical, genetic, and bioinformatic approaches to attack problems at the forefront of bioinorganic chemistry.  Specific areas of interest include biological methane oxidation, oxygen activation by metalloenzymes, metal uptake and transport, and natural products biosynthesis.

We are in the Department of Molecular Biosciences at Northwestern University (Evanston campus).  We are also part of the Department of Chemistry.

Latest News

March 2025
Members of the group stand up for science!

February 2025
Olivia's review of copper-chelating natural products is published in J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. Read the article.

January 2025
Amy's News & Views piece on nitrogenase is published in Nature. Read the article.

Decmber 2024
Frank's paper on structures of pMMO and AMO in native membranes is published in PNAS. Read the article.

November 2024
Reyvin's review article on methanobactins is published in Annu. Rev. Microbiol. Read the article.

September 2024
Callie Miller has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Callie received her Ph.D. from Colorado School of Mines working with Prof. Rick Holz. Welcome Callie!

Divyansh Prakash has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Divyansh received his Ph.D. from the University of Mississippi working with Prof. Saumen Chakraborty. Welcome Divyansh!

July 2024
Reyvin's chapter on purification and biochemical characterization of the methanobactin biosynthetic enzymes is published in Meth. Enzymol. Read the article.

Olivia's paper on biosynthesis of oxazolin in nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae is published in PNAS. Read the article.

April 2024
Ricky's paper on ENDOR of MbnABC is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

February 2024
Frank and Amy's review on pMMO and sMMO is published in Chem. Rev. Read the article.

December 2023
The Rosenzweig group has moved to a brand new lab in Mudd Hall. Thanks to everyone for all the hard work!

November 2023
Frank and Ricky's paper on TFE binding at the pMMO active site is published in Nat. Catal. Read the article.

September 2023
Dayna has been named an HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellow, the first ever at Northwestern!

June 2023
Tasha has accepted a faculty position in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Good luck Tasha and the Manesis group!

May 2023
Ricky has successfully defended and left the group for a Senior Researcher position at Sasya. Congratulations!

April 2023
Our work is featured in Northwestern Magazine. Scroll down to read the article and watch the video.

February 2023
Tasha and Kenny's paper on the diheme enzyme MbnH is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

November 2022
Chris' paper with the Jewett group on cell-free protein synthesis of pMMO is published in ACS Synth. Biol. Read the article.

Rose has left the group for a Scientist position at Sanofi. Good luck Rose!

October 2022
Andrew Blake has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Andrew received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign working with Prof. Marty Burke. Welcome Andrew!

September 2022
Chris' paper with the Zhang group on cryoET of pMMO in cells and membranes is published in Nat. Commun. Read the article.

August 2022
Olivia Manley has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Olivia received her Ph.D. from North Carolina State University working with Prof. Tom Makris. Welcome Olivia!

Soo and Grace's collaborative paper with the Kelleher group is published in ACS Chem. Biol. Read the article.

July 2022
Yun Ji has left the group for a Scientist II position at NGM Bio. Good luck Yun Ji!

Chris has left the group for a postdoctoral position at Genentech. Good luck Chris!

June 2022
Chris (Ph.D. 2022) and Matt (Ph. D. 2020) were hooded! Congratulations!

March 2022
Yun Ji, Ricky, and Reyvin's paper on the MbnBC biosynthetic enzyme complex is published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Read the article.

Chris and Frank's paper on cryoEM structures of active pMMO in a native lipid nanodisc is published in Science. Read the article. This work was also featured on the Northwestern website.

February 2022
Dayna Patterson has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Dayna received her Ph.D. from Penn State University working with Prof. Emily Weinert. Welcome Dayna!

December 2021
First year Chemistry student Jose Ayala has joined the group. Welcome Joey!

November 2021
Rose's collaborative paper on the copper-related E. coli AZY operon is published in J. Biol. Chem. Read the article.

September 2021
Yun Ji and Gerri's paper on the structure of Methylosinus sp. LW3 methanobactin is published in Bicohemistry. Read the article.

Ricky, Matt, and Chris' paper on EPR/ENDOR of the pMMO copper centers is published in JACS. Read the article.

June 2021
Tasha and Ricky's paper on the kynurenine-containing copper protein MbnP is published in PNAS. Read the article.

March 2021
Our collaborative paper on pMMO XAS is published in Chem. Sci. Read the article.

Amy has been awarded the 2021 Hans Neurath Award from the Protein Society. Congratulations Amy!

January 2021
Chris' review article on MMOs is published in Chem. Soc. Rev. Read the article.

December 2020
We have a new Chemistry student. Welcome Caitlin Willett!

August 2020
Amy has been awarded the 2021 Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry. Congratulations Amy!

June 2020
Two new IBiS students have joined the group. Welcome Reyvin Reyes and Frank Tucci!

Chris' chapter on pMMO and the PmoD protein is published in The Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry Read the article.

March 2020
Tasha is the recipient of the 2019-2020 McBride Award. Congratulations!

December 2019
Josh Hill has joined the group as a research technician. Josh received his B.S. and M.S. from Illinois State University.

November 2019
Soo has left group for a Senior Scientist position at AbbVie. Good luck Soo!

October 2019
Matt has defended and left the group for a postdoctoral position in Chuan He's lab at University of Chicago. Good luck Matt!

September 2019
Oriana, Madison, and Matt's paper on PCuAC proteins from methanotrophs is published in J. Biol. Chem. Read the article.

Grace, Laura, Tasha, and Matt's paper on the diheme protein MbnH is published in J. Biol. Chem. Read the article.

August 2019
Rose Hadley has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Rose received her Ph. D. from MIT working with Prof. Elizabeth Nolan.

June 2019
Our recent work on pMMO was highlighted in C&E News.

Soo and Chris' paper with the Kelleher group on native top-down mass spectrometry of pMMO is published in Nat. Commun. Read the article.

Oriana has left the group to join the faculty of Lehigh University. Congratulations and good luck!

May 2019
Matt's paper on the pMMO copper centers is published in Science. Read the article.

This work was also featured on the Northwestern website.

Soo has defended. Congratulations Soo!

April 2019
Tasha Manesis has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Tasha received her Ph. D. from Ohio State working with Prof. Hannah Shafaat.

February 2019
Matt and Oriana's paper on the PmoD CuA site is published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Read the article.

November 2018
Three new Chemistry students have joined the group. Welcome Ricky Jodts, Gerri Roberts, and Madison Sendzik!

October 2018
Oriana, Grace, Matt, and Soo's paper on PmoD is published in Nat. Commun. Read the article.

August 2018
Yue Wen and Soo's paper on XoxF is published in J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. Read the article.

Grace has left the group for a postdoctoral position at Harvard. Good luck Grace!

May 2018
Soo's paper on reconstitution of pMMO into bicelles is published in J. Biol. Chem. Read the article.

April 2018
Yun Ji and Grace's paper on the aminotransferase MbnN is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

Grace's review on chalkophores is published in Annu. Rev. Biochem. Read the article.

Soo's protocol on genetic manipulation of methanotrophs is published in Methods Enzymol. Read the article.

March 2018
Grace's paper on methanobactin biosynthesis is published in Science. Read the article. This work was also featured in C&E News and on the Northwestern website.

February 2018
Rahul's paper on CopB is published in Proc. Natl. Acad. USA Read the article.

January 2018
Grace's minireview on methanobactins is published in J. Biol. Chem. Read the article.

November 2017
Our collaborative paper with the Ryde group is published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Read the article.

October 2017
Amy's perspective on LipA is published in Science. Read the article.

August 2017
Grace has defended. Congratulations Grace!

Rahul has left the group for a postdoctoral position at Caltech. Good luck Rahul!

June 2017
Congratulations to our graduating seniors Yue Wen, Candy, and Beth!

May 2017
Amy was elected to the National Academy of Sciences!

April 2017
Laura has accepted a faculty position at Stanford. Congratulations Laura!

Members of the group march for science.

February 2017
Yun Ji Park has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Yun Ji received her Ph. D. from UIUC working with Prof. Alison Fout.

December 2016
Aaron and Matt's paper on the P1B-4 ATPase CzcP is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

Laura and Grace's review on methanobactins is published in Metallomics. Read the article.

November 2016
Matt and Amy's review on MMOs is published in J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. Read the article.

Laura, Grace, and Soo's paper on methanobactin transport is published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. Read the article.

October 2016
Tom and Amy's review is published in Curr. Op. Chem. Biol. Read the article.

September 2016
Our collaborative paper with the Hoffman group is published in JACS. Read the article.

August 2016
Grace's characterization of a new methanobactin is published in JACS. Read the article.

Tom has left the group to join the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory. Congratulations and good luck!

July 2016
Tom and Amy's Perspective on methane-oxidizing enzymes is published in JACS. Read the article.

Aaron has left the group to join the Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Congratulations and good luck!

June 2016
Chris Koo has joined the group. Welcome Chris!

Our collaborative paper with LLNL is published in Nat. Commun. Read the article.

May 2016
Tom and Amy's Perspective on MCR is published in Science. Read the article.

April 2016
Grace and Monica's paper on copper-responsive gene regulation in Ms. trichosporium OB3b is published in Metallomics. Read the article.

Laura is profiled by Northwestern. Read the article.

March 2016
Tom, Grace, and Joe's paper on CopC is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

September 2015
Our collaborative paper with the Statsyuk group is published in JACS. Read the article.

Our collaborative paper with the Jewett group is published in Biotechnol. J. Read the article.

August 2015
Aaron's article on a novel metal binding domain from a P1B-4-ATPase is published in Nature Chem Biol. Read the article.

July 2015
Oriana Fisher has joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Oriana received her Ph. D. from Yale working with Prof. Titus Boggon.

June 2015
Congratulations to our graduating seniors Joe, Monica, Caleb, and Madeline!

Matt Ross has officially joined the group. Welcome Matt!

Laura received a Postdoctoral Enrichment Program grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Congratulations!

March 2015
Sarah's Current Topic article is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

Laura was featured in an ASBMB Research Spotlight article!

February 2015
Amy's News & Views commentary on sMMO is published in Nature. Read the article.

January 2015
Aaron, Grace, and Joe presented their research at the Bioinorganic Chemistry GRS chaired by Tom.

January 2015
Sarah has left us for a position at Abbott Laboratories. Congratulations and good luck!

December 2014
Joe received a Fletcher Prize for Undergraduate Research for work he did with Tom. Congratulations!

November 2014
Ingrid has left us for a position at the Heinrich-Heine-Univerisät Düsseldorf. Congratulations and good luck!

October 2014
Amy was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Amy received the Ivano Bertini Award at the Ninth International Copper Meeting. Congratulations!

September 2014
Grace received the Rappaport Award for Research Excellence. Congratulations!

Rahul Purohit has joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher. Rahul received his PhD in chemistry for work done in the lab of Dr. William Montfort at the University of Arizona.

Megen's paper on the structure of methanol dehydrogenase is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

August 2014
Sarah successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

Soo Ro has joined the group as a graduate student. Soo obtained her undergraduate degree in integrative biology from the University of California, Berkeley.

July 2014
Megen's paper on EPR studies of pMMO metal centers is published in JACS. Read the article.

Megen has left us to become an Assistant Professor at Appalachian State University.. Congratulations and good luck!

June 2014
Sarah's paper on the effects of zinc on pMMO is published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Read the article.

May 2014
Amy received the Royal Society of Chemistry Joseph Chatt Award.

April 2014
Amy was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

March 2014
Aaron's article on the diversity of metal-transporting ATPases is published in the Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. Read the article.

February 2014
Tom's article on conservation of the B subunit in particulate methane/ammonia monooxygenases is published in Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. Read the article.

September 2013
Eliza's article on a nickel- and iron-transporting P1B-type ATPase is published in Metallomics. Read the article.

Eliza has left us to take up a postdoctoral research position at Argonne National Laboratory. Good luck!

August 2013
Laura Dassama joined the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Laura comes from the joint lab of Profs. Carsten Krebs and J. Martin Bollinger Jr. at Penn. State.

Laura and Amie's article on class 1c ribonucleotide reductases is published in Biochemistry. Read the article.

July 2013
Amie has left us to become an Assistant Professor at Penn State. Congratulations and good luck!

Tom's article on a nitrite reductase involved in nitrifier denitrification is published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Read the article.

May 2013
Tom successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

April 2013
Eliza successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

March 2013
Amy was invested as the Weinberg Family Distinguished Professor of Life Sciences.

Amy's News and Views article on soluble methane monooxygenase is published in Nature Chemical Biology. Read the article.

February 2013
Grace's paper on detection of new methanobactins in genomes is published in BMC Biology. Read the article.

January 2013
Tom Lawton was elected Chair of the 2015 Bioinorganic Chemistry Graduate Research Seminar.

Rosenzweig lab alums Raquel Lieberman (Georgia Tech), Matt Sazinsky (Pomona College), and Liliya Yatsunyk (Swarthmore College) were all promoted to Associate Professor with tenure. Congratulations!