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  • "The barrier to Wingless at the posterior edge of the engrailed domain corresponds to the prospective seg- ment boundary. The finding that boundaries between rhombomeres in the chick embryo act as barriers to inductive signals (Martinez et al., 1995) suggests that barriers to signals could be a universal item in the embryo’s toolbox. Note that the Drosophila segment boundary allows the passage of Hedgehog and the EGFR ligand Spitz, since their respective target genes are activated across the boundary (Ingham, 1993; O’Keefe et al., 1997; Szuts et al., 1997). The segment boundary might therefore act as a filter for signaling molecules. How Wingless is prevented from crossing the segment border is unknown, but, as discussed above, it might be preferentially trapped or degraded there." (Sanson, 1999)

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