Selected Publications from the Carthew Lab
Biological robustness and the role of microRNAs: a network perspective.
Pelaez, N., and R.W. Carthew
Curr. Topics Dev. Biol. in press (2011)
Cargo sorting to lysosome-related organelles regulates siRNA-mediated gene silencing.
Harris, D.A., Kim, K., Nakahara, K., Vazquez-Doorman, C. and R.W. Carthew
J. Cell Biol. 194, 77-87 (2011)
Cadherin-dependent cell morphology in an epithelium: constructing a quantitative dynamical model.
Gemp, I., Carthew, R.W. and S. Hilgenfeldt
PLOS Comp. Biol. 7, e1002115 (2011)
Loqs and R2D2 act sequentially in the siRNA pathway in Drosophila.
Marques, J.T., Kim, K., Wu, P-H., Alleyne, T., Jafari, N. and R.W. Carthew
Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 17, 24-30 (2010)
Evolutionary flux of canonical microRNAs and mirtrons in Drosophila.
Lu, J., Shen, Y., Carthew, R.W., Wang, S.M. and C.I. Wu
Nature Genetics 42, 9–10 (2010)
The endo-siRNA pathway is required for robust development of the Drosophila embryo.
Lucchetta, E.M., Carthew, R.W. and R.F. Ismagilov
PLOS One 4, e7576 (2009)
A microRNA imparts robustness against environmental fluctuation during development.
Li, X., Cassidy, J., Reinke, C.A., Fischboeck, S. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 137, 273-282 (2009)
Silencing by small RNAs is linked to endosomal trafficking.
Lee, Y.S., Pressman, S., Andress, A.P., Kim, K.,, White, J.L., Cassidy, J.J., Li, X., Lubell, K., Lim, D.H., Cho, I.S., Nakahara, K., Preall, J.B., Bellare, P., Sontheimer, E.J. and R.W. Carthew
Nature Cell Biol. 11, 1150-1156 (2009)
Origins and mechanisms of miRNAs and siRNAs.
Carthew, R.W. and E.J. Sontheimer
Cell 136, 642-655 (2009)
Lola regulates cell fate by antagonizing Notch induction in the Drosophila eye.
Zheng, L and R.W. Carthew
Mech. Dev. 125, 18-29 (2008)
BMP signaling goes post-transcriptional in a microRNA-sort of way.
Reinke, C.A. and R.W. Carthew
Dev. Cell 15, 174-175 (2008)
The birth and death of microRNA genes in Drosophila.
Lu, J., Shen, Y., Wu, Q., Kumar, S., He, B., Carthew, R.W., Wang, S. and C.I. Wu
Nature Genetics 40, 351-355 (2008)
Adaptive evolution of newly-emerged microRNA genes in Drosophila.
Lu, J., Fu, Y., Kumar, S., Shen, Y., Zeng, K., Carthew, R.W. and C.I. Wu
Mol. Biol. Evol. 25, 929-938 (2008)
Functional analysis of Dicer-2 missense mutations in the siRNA pathway of Drosophila.
Lim, D-W., Kim, J., Kim, S., Carthew, R.W. and Y.S. Lee
Biochim. Biophys. Res. Comm. 37, 525-530 (2008)
Physical modeling of cell geometric order in an epithelial tissue.
Hilgenfeldt, S., Erisken, S. and R.W. Carthew
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 907-911 (2008)
Cell-type-specific transcription of prospero is controlled by combinatorial signaling in the Drosophila eye.
Hayashi, T., Xu, C. and R.W. Carthew
Development 135, 2787-2796 (2008)
Post transcriptional gene silencing.
Pressman, S., Bei, Y and R.W. Carthew
Cell 130, 570 (2007)
A call to arms: co-evolution of animal viruses and host innate immune responses.
Marques J.T. and R.W. Carthew
Trends Genetics 23, 359-364 (2007)
Conversion of pre-RISC to holo-RISC by Ago2 during assembly of RNAi complexes.
Kim K., Lee, Y.S. and R.W. Carthew
RNA 13, 22-29 (2007)
Cell adhesion and cortex contractility determine cell patterning in the Drosophila retina.
Käfer, J., Hayashi, T., Marée, A.F.M., Carthew, R.W. and F. Graner
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 18549-18554 (2007)
Pattern formation in the Drosophila eye.
Carthew R.W.
Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 17, 309-313 (2007)
Small RNA-mediated epigenetic modifications.
Bei, Y., Pressman, S. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 130, 665 (2007)
RNA interference directs innate immunity against viruses in adult Drosophila.
Wang X-H., Aliyari R., Li W-X., Li H-W., Kim K., Carthew R.W., Atkinson P. and X-W. Ding
Science 312, 452-454 (2006)
The RNAi Pathway Initiated by Dicer-2 in Drosophila.
Kim K., Lee Y.S., Harris D., Nakahara K. and R.W. Carthew
Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 71, 39-44 (2006)
Gene regulation by microRNAs.
Carthew R.W.
Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 16, 203-208 (2006)
A new RNA dimension to genome control.
Carthew R.W.
Science 313, 305-306 (2006)
Par-1 kinase establishes cell polarity and functions in Notch signaling in the Drosophila embryo.
Bayraktar J, Zygmunt D. and R.W. Carthew
J Cell Sci. 119, 711-721 (2006)
Functional roles of endogenous miRNAs and siRNAs.
Sontheimer E.J. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 122, 9-12 (2005)
Targets of microRNA regulation in the Drosophila oocyte proteome.
Nakahara K., Kim K., Sciulli C., Dowd S.R., Minden J.S. and R.W. Carthew
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 12023-12028 (2005)
A miRNA mediates EGF receptor signaling and promotes photoreceptor differentiation in the Drosophila eye.
Li X. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 123, 1267-1277 (2005)
Stem cell division is regulated by the microRNA pathway.
Hatfield S.D., Shcherbata H.R., Fischer K.A., Nakahara K., Carthew R.W. and H. Ruohola-Baker.
Nature 435, 974-978 (2005)
Adhesion proteins and control of cell shape.
Carthew R.W.
Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 15, 358-363 (2005)
Argonaute Journeys into the Heart of RISC.
Sontheimer E.J. and R.W. Carthew
Science 305, 1409-1410 (2004)
A Dicer-2-dependent 80S complex cleaves targeted mRNAs during RNAi in Drosophila.
Pham J.W., Pellino J.L., Lee Y.S., Carthew R.W. and E.J. Sontheimer
Cell 117, 83-94 (2004)
Distinct roles for Drosophila Dicer-1 and Dicer-2 in the siRNA/miRNA silencing pathways.
Lee Y.S., Nakahara K., Pham J.W., Kim K., He Z., Sontheimer E.J. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 117, 69-81 (2004)
Surface mechanics mediate pattern formation in the developing retina.
Hayashi T. and R.W. Carthew
Nature 431, 647-652 (2004)
Genome wide survey of protein kinases required for cell cycle progression.
Bettencourt-Dias M., Giet R., Sinka R., Mazumdar A., Lock W.G., Balloux F., Zafiropoulos P.J., Yamaguchi S., Winter S., Carthew R.W., Cooper M., Jones D., Frenz L. and D.M. Glover
Nature 432, 980-987 (2004)
Chibby, a nuclear ß-catenin-associated antagonist of the Wnt/Wingless pathway.
Takemaru K-I., Yamaguchi S., Lee Y.S., Zhang Y., Carthew R.W. and R.T. Moon
Nature 422, 905-909 (2003)
Making a better RNAi vector for Drosophila: Use of Intron Spacers.
Lee Y.S. and R.W. Carthew
Methods 30, 322-329 (2003)
Phyllopod acts as an adaptor protein to link the Sina ubiquitin ligase to the substrate protein Tramtrack.
Li S., Xu C. and R.W. Carthew
Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 6854-6865 (2002)
RNAi is activated during Drosophila oocyte maturation in a manner dependent on aubergine and spindle-E.
Kennerdell J.R., Yamaguchi S. and R.W. Carthew
Genes Dev. 16, 1884-1889 (2002)
Overlapping activators and repressors delimit transcriptional response to receptor tyrosine kinase signals in the Drosophila eye.
Xu C., Kauffmann R.C., Zhang J., Kladny S. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 103, 87-97 (2000)
Heritable gene silencing in Drosophila using double-stranded RNA.
Kennerdell J.R. and R.W. Carthew
Nature Biotechnology 18, 896-898 (2000)
Ebi regulates epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathways in Drosophila.
Dong X., Tsuda L., Zavitz K.H., Lin M., Li S., Carthew R.W. and S.L. Zipursky
Genes Dev. 13, 954-965 (1999)
Interactions between Wingless and DFz2 during Drosophila wing development.
Zhang J. and R.W. Carthew
Development 125, 3075-3085 (1998)
Proteasomal regulation of nuclear receptor corepressor-mediated repression.
Zhang J., Guenther M.G., Carthew R.W. and M.A. Lazar
Genes Dev. 12, 1775-1780 (1998)
Use of dsRNA-mediated genetic interference to demonstrate that frizzled and frizzled2 act in the Wingless pathway.
Kennerdell, J.R. and R.W. Carthew
Cell 95, 1017-1026 (1998)
Photoreceptor cell differentiation requires regulated proteolysis of the transcriptional repressor Tramtrack.
Li S., Li Y., Carthew R.W. and Z.-C. Lai
Cell 90, 469-478 (1997)
Ras1 signaling and transcriptional competence in the R7 cell of Drosophila.
Kauffmann R.C., Li S., Gallagher P.A., Zhang J. and R.W. Carthew
Genes Dev. 10, 2167-2178 (1996)
Frizzled regulates mirror-symmetric pattern formation in the Drosophila eye.
Zheng L., Zhang J. and R.W. Carthew
Development 121, 3045-3055 (1995)
Activated Drosophila Ras1 is selectively suppressed by isoprenyl transferase inhibitors.
Kauffmann R.C., Qian, Y., Vogt, A., Sebti, S.M., Hamilton, A.D. and R.W. Carthew
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 10919-10923 (1995)
Identification of genes that interact with the sina gene in Drosophila eye development.
Carthew, R.W., Neufeld, T. and G.M. Rubin
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 11689-11693 (1994)