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Symbol: Ap Flybase ID: FBgn0000099
Synonyms: {Name} {GadFly}
Function: {Short_Function} {LocusLink}
Keywords: {Keywords} {Interactive_Fly}

  • a LIM-homeodomain protein (Cohen et al. 1992)
  • a LIM-homeodomain protein (Cohen et al. 1992) that is expressed in dorsal cells and acts as a selector gene to divide the disc into dorsal and ventral compartments (Diaz-Benjumea and Cohen, 1993; Blair, 1994)
Genetic interactions
  • Flybase list of genetic interactions
  • Regulation of Notch ligands by Ap leads to Notch signaling at the DV boundary and the formation of an organizer for wing outgrowth and expression of the wing-specific transcription factor vg (Kim et al. 1996; Irvine 1999).
  • Vn/EGFR signaling regulates Ap expression in a cell autonomous fashion only early in wing development
    • ap expression partially overlaps that of vn in the second instar (Fig 4I) (Wang, 2000)
    • ap can be induced ectopically in ventral clones misexpressing an activated form of the receptor, EGFRlambdatop4.2 (Fig. 4J) (Wang, 2000)
    • Egfrtsla mutant clones generated in the first instar show autonomous loss of ap expression (Fig. 4K), whereas clones generated in the second instar express ap normally (data not shown) (Wang, 2000)
    • loss of EGFR activity in whole discs from mid-first to mid-second instar (with a temperature-sensitive allele) results in complete loss of ap expression, whereas ap is still expressed in discs from larvae given a temperature shift slightly later during the second instar (Fig. 4L–N). (Wang, 2000)
  • Ap expression is completely absent in second instar vn muant discs (Fig. 4E&F) (Wang, 2000). This is probably why there is no wing in vn mutants. This is supported by the demonstration that ectopic ap was capable of rescuing wing development in vn mutants (Fig. 4G,H). (Wang, 2000)
Physical interactions
{Physical interactions}
Transcriptional Regulation
Location (protein and transcript)
Protein Modifications and Regulation
Related to
{Related to}
Overexpression / Ectopic expression


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