Symbol: {Links}
Flybase ID: {Flybase_ID} |
Synonyms: {Name}
{GadFly} |
Function: {Short_Function} |
{LocusLink} |
Keywords: {Keywords} |
{Interactive_Fly} |
- Mediation of Sonic HedgehogInduced Expression of COUP-TFII by
a Protein Phosphatase (Krishnan et al., 1997)
- They indicate that there is a different transcription factor other
than Gli that binds to their Shh dependent element.
- ShhN internalized by Ptc1 accumulated to much higher levels with leupeptin
treatment (Incardona,
2002), consistent with observations on endogenous Shh in embryonic
neural tissue (Incardona, 2000)
- Shh upregulates hptc and Gli1
- In the absenceof leupeptin, the small amount of internalized
ShhN detected was localized to LBPA+ late endosomes, and,
in the presence of leupeptin, ShhN and Ptc1 accumulated highly in LAMP-1+
- Double labeling for Ptc1 and LBPA was precluded by a requirement for
Triton X-100 permeabilization to expose Ptc1HA immunoreactivity, which
extracts LBPA. Concanamycin A treatment resulted in the accumulation
of Ptc1 and ShhN in transferrin early endosomes, and ShhN did not colocalize
with LBPA. Ptc1+ early endosomes appeared with similar kinetics
(data not shown) and degree with or without ligand, indicating that
Ptc1 reaches endosomes from the cell surface rather than by another
route. (Incardona,