Neil E. Jaffe

moved to Bristol-Myers Squibb
as Research Investigator

Education and Previous Experience

  • Ph. D. Northwestern University (2006) Biochemistry
    (Advisor: Dr. Andreas Matouschek)
    Thesis Research: Mechanisms of Selectivity in Protein Degradation by ATP-Dependent Proteases

  • Research Specialist, Temple University, Center for Neurovirology and Cancer Biology (1999- 2000)

  • M.S., University of Pennsylvania (1999) Biotechnology

  • B.S., Tufts University (1997) Biology

Other Publications

  • Darbinian N, Sawaya BE, Khalili K, Jaffe N, Wortman B, Giordano A, Amini S. Functional interaction between cyclin T1/cdk9 and Puralpha determines the level of TNFalpha promoter activation by Tat in glial cells. J Neuroimmunol. 2001 Dec 3;121(1-2):3-11.

  • Gallia GL, Darbinian N, Jaffe N, Khalili K. Single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein, Puralpha, interacts with RNA homologous to 18S ribosomal RNA and inhibits translation in vitro. J Cell Biochem. 2001;83(3):355-63.

How to reach me

My research interest is "Biochemical Analysis of the Pathway of Protein Unfolding by the ATP-Dependent Proteases "

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Matouschek Laboratory
Department of Biochemistry Molecular Biology and Cell Biology
Northwestern University
Evanston, IL 60208