Eukaryotic cells
exert remarkable control over their architecture. This is fundamentally
important for
cell growth, migration, and division, and is critical
for the formation and maintenance of functional
tissues. Networks
of conserved signaling proteins accomplish this control, which requires
coordination of processes as diverse as cytoskeleton assembly, membrane
trafficking, and gene expression.
Cell morphology is also
intertwined with differentiation of diverse cell types. Cell fate
asymmetry can arise through unequal partitioning of intracellular
determinants that impart a specific gene expression program. These
determinants are often direct regulators of transcription, but
they can also be molecules or structures that change the cell's sensitivity
to external signals. Determinant asymmetry is generated by mechanisms
that work with the cell's underlying architecture to move them
to one daughter cell or specify the plane of cell division to ensure
their unequal partitioning.
How, then, is cell architecture
controlled and linked to the mechanisms that specify cell fate? Answering
this question requires tracing the exact flow of regulatory information
through networks of signaling proteins that coordinate diverse
processes in space and time. We are approaching this problem in
the budding yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, a simple eukaryote in which signaling pathways
fundamentally important in cell morphogenesis are conserved.