Prospective Graduates

Prospective Graduate Students

Positions are available for graduate students in the Carthew lab. Please apply through one of the two biomedical sciences PhD graduate programs or the MSc Biotechnology graduate program.




For interested first-year graduate students

Lab rotations occur on a quarterly basis, and the expectation is that a student devotes some of their studies on the completion of a 10-week project under the direct supervision of a lab member with the guidance of Dr. Carthew. Rotation projects can be tailored to a student's interests and skills, but below are some examples of potential rotation projects

    Function of miRNAs in suppressing the impact of genomic diversity

    Real-time-lapse imaging of protein expression in developing tissue

    Transposon silencing by piRNAs in female germ cells

    Regulation of miRNA activities by protein kinases in cell culture

    Virus evolution and role of siRNAs in host defense

    Mathematical 3D modeling of cellular geometry

    The interface between nutrition and miRNA regulation

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