Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Students

Positions are available for Northwestern undergraduate students to work part-time in the Carthew lab and learn what it is like to do science. We teach you necessary skills and methods of analysis with the expectation that you will harness those learned skills to complete an independent research project before graduation. We are looking for students who:

    Are freshmen or sophmores

    Can devote at least 12 hours per week during the school year to research

    Can work full-time for one or more summers during their tenure in the lab

    Are interested in exploring science as a career

    Are willing to intern, apply for summer scholarships, and perform research for credit

    Would be willing to continue in the lab for the remainder of their time at NU

Please apply by email with a CV and a personal statement describing what research specifically interests you and why? What are your career plans once you graduate? What is the favorite thing you have learned in biology, physics, or chemistry to date (from college or high school)? What were some of the hobbies or activities you have had in school?

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